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5 packaged vegetarian meals for a comfort night in

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

If we're being real, sometimes I get tired and look for a quick fix to cure my hangry belly. It is far better for my budget to have a frozen meal option on hand then spending half an hour feeling guilt and then splurging on a delivery app. Better to spend $5 at the grocery store than $30 later on.

I'll review some of my favorite vegetarian frozen snacks and meal options, most of them will be frozen. As always, I am not accounting for cheese or eggs, which some may not eat given it is not certain whether they are vegetarian.

1. Amy's Roasted Vegetable Pizza No Cheese

I actually found this pizza option recently during the latest Texas freeze and I've re-purchased several times. I wasn't sure when I bought it whether it would work without the cheese. but the sauce well makes up for it! Additionally it's so easy to cook, you literally just pop it in the oven and wait.

2. Jack & Annie's Crispy Jackfruit Nuggets

I'm really into this brand, I like their maple sausage as well. I personally love this if I'm craving fast food. I'll just put a couple of these in the air fryer or the oven. Then I'll grab a favorite sauce (buffalo, honey BBQ, and ranch, anything you like) and keep it on the side for dipping.

I'll also get frozen fries to complete the experience of feeling like I'm in a wing spot.

3. Amy's No Chicken Noodle Soup

Many of Amy's soups are delicious but this is my favorite for when you are actually missing the flavor of a chicken soup. I don't know how they do it but it is very similar. I particularly recommend this for if you're sick and truly can't imagine cooking.

4. Maggi

I want to preface this by saying this is not healthy, like at all. But if you're a college aged South Asian, you can't tell me this isn't you or a friends go to hot meal or snack. If someone REALLY loves they'll make you Maggi when you're drunk or hungover. That's all I have to say.

5. Koyo Ramen

If you're looking for a healthier ramen alternative and open to a different flavor profile than Maggi, I suggest Koyo. The noodle packs are tasty, and I'd say they are decently priced for a college-aged buyer. That's actually how I discovered the brand!

I hope these items comfort you during a lazy Sunday or whenever you need them. Please message me if you have a favorite I haven't mentioned! I'd love to hear what you like to eat when it's a low energy day.


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